Venice tips

I'd like to share some tips about Venice, which is the town I've been living in for a while. All serious travellers end up coming to Venice at least once in their life, but do they make the most of it?

Gondolas near Saint Mark's Square

  • Want to find some quiet corners and parts of Venice that are not so touristy?
          Check out my itinerary in Madonna dell'Orto. I'm proud of the pictures I took there!

  • Where to eat good traditional food in Venice without being ripped off?
          Here's the list of my 5 favourite places to grab a bite in Venice.

  •   Are you looking for something unusual?
             Look for Libreria Acqua Alta, a bookshop that made quirkiness its trademark.

  •  Another of my favourite areas is that around Campo Santo Stefano, in the sestiere of San Marco.
             Have a look at this itinerary full of art venues and enchanting palazzi.

Postcards in Venice

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